
There are tons of rare live studio/live sessions of the Arctic Monkeys floating around the ‘net, most of them beautiful acoustics. They recently went onto the station KEXP who do many great sessions with bands. Add Arctic Monkeys as well!

They performed a very small set, but it is jaw dropping good. They performed Cornerstone, Secret Door, and Crying Lightning in stunning acoustic versions. It really does Cornerstone and Secret Door wonders. Crying Lightning sounds very different, vonerable if you may.

Arctic’s always shine in their acoustic live sessions, and this is no different! Alex Turner really knows how to do a proper acoustic session.

Hey Domino Records, how about a possible Arctic Monkeys acoustic collection release in the future?!?!?!!!

[mp3] : Arctic Monkeys – Cornerstone (KEXP Live Session)

[mp3] : Arctic Monkeys – Secret Door (KEXP Live Session)

[mp3] : Arctic Monkeys – Crying Lightning (KEXP Live Session)

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