
Owen Pallett is the mastermind who used to be called Final Fantasy. He changed his name for legal reasons, finally allowing his name to be the headline! This was a smart move, because when someone writes a brilliant song like “Lewis Takes Off His Shirt”, they should get full credit. Not hide behind a moniker!

I first heard the song when I saw the epic video of Owen playing it during a festival show in a massive rainstorm. The performance wouldn’t leave my head as this song played during my run through of his excellent new album Heartland. The song is a sweeping culmination of sounds that does nothing but uplift the soul. It is a powerful piece not only through the chorus but through the music. Owen composes everything himself. So when you listen to all the variations of sounds and effects that Owen has put into place in a song like Lewis Takes Off His Shirt, your jaw hit the floor. This is not only music, but truly a work of art. Devastatingly beautiful at that.

“I’m never gonna give it to you”

After you listen to the mp3 below, watch the epic live performance in the rain, then listen to the mp3 again. Then the studio version will sound THAT much better.

[mp3] : Owen Pallett – Lewis Takes Off His Shirt

If you like what you hear, support Owen by buying his CD Heartland here, or click the link: Buy it at Insound!

If you want to hear the whole album legally for free, stream it below:
(thanks to the muse in music for the tip)

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