
According to Paste, the Foo Fighters are demoing some new songs for an eventual new album that should see the light sometime next year. Drummer Taylor Hawkins told Spinner UK the album should be out within a year. He also told them a little bit about the process so far:

“In all honesty, Dave’s got 15 or so song ideas that are awesome and we’ve already demoed some of them twice even. But it’s definitely in the fetal stages. We do a lot of demoing, it’s a large process for us. It takes a long time to do it. We don’t just say, ‘OK, let’s go make a record’, and pop in the studio and record it just like that.”

Good news. I have a good feeling about this new record. I think they took some well needed time off. Maybe Dave will incorporate elements of Them Crooked Vultures into the new sound. I think that would be pretty neat.

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